Wednesday, April 11

Another Progress Report

I am having a terrible time keeping up my blogs, but I did make a point today to write a couple of posts while the kids were having their quiet time. I forgot I had started this post a couple weeks ago but hadn't finished it, so I just posted it today but wanted to give a little more detail in this post. I uploaded these short videos to show some of the activities we do with her each day. She doesn't really like these particular ones, but she is a trooper and does them when we ask her to.

This is called Seesaw.

Abby is making some small progress. We have noticed that she is making much better eye contact, she is doing better in following directions, and she is not "mouthing" things nearly as much. We've been doing her new program for a month now, and it seems to be helping, though not as rapidly as I would like, of course.

This is called Cross on Back.

This may seem minor to some reading this, but it was a huge thing for Daddy and me: We told Abby to go put her jammies on one evening...and SHE DID IT! Whoo-hoo, big happy dance! We then told her to put away her Noah's Ark she had been playing with...and SHE DID IT! I can't remember the third thing, but we told her to do something else as well, and she did it also!

Normally, she gets too distracted on her way to do something that she forgets all about it and doesn't complete the task, or she is overwhelmed by the task and can't even begin it. We usually have to stand in her room and give commands like, "Pick up the zebra and put it in the ark, pick up the giraffe and put it in the ark, pick up Noah and put him in the ark," and so on ad nauseum until the task is complete. So this was a big deal!!! She's not consistently doing this but it IS happening occassionally, and I am encouraged by the little steps we see.

This, of course, is the army crawl.

She has also stopped the biting she was doing, at least for the most part. She still puts her fingers in her mouth quite a bit, but I haven't seen any actual chewing on anything in several weeks. Unfortunately, she seems to have replaced that behavior with touching everything. She puts her hands in her milk, yogurt, etc., and the bathroom sink is her new toy. I talked to the ND about it, and she said that actually it is a sign of progression. She is discovering her hands (like a six-month-old would), and is wanting to know what everything feels like. So she gave me some things to do with her to help that behavior as well.

This one is called Tiger Creep.

Potty training is still on hold since she just doesn't seem to be able to distinguish the sensations necessary to be successful at it right now. She will go if I tell her to, but she's not recognizing it on her own consistently enough for me to stress over it right now. We will try again in a couple months. I feel bad because she's going to be four tomorrow and she's still in Pull-ups, but since there's nothing I can do to change it, I'll just have to get over it.

Thanks to all who are keeping us in your prayers! (Don't stop, we still need them!) We are doing well over all. Ryan seems to have made his adjustments and is even showing some signs of budding maturity lately, so thanks for the prayers regarding him as well!

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