Saturday, March 24

Small Progress

Our ND (neurodevelopmental) specialist told me that after two to three months of consistently having Abby on her ND program we would start to see some progress, so that's what I have been expecting. However, after only two weeks on the program, she is already showing some encouraging signs of improvement! She is making much better eye contact, seems a bit less distractable, and is even following directions better. It's small progress but very encouraging for me and Daddy!!!

Overall she seems to like the activities we do with her each day. She will even ask to do a couple of them that she really likes. There are one or two things that she fusses about doing, but I've noticed that as she is getting better at doing them, she is fussing less. The army crawl is one she just hates to do, but she has to do it for three minutes five days a week. She gets pretty worn out by the end of the three minutes, but she is complaining less than she was ten days ago.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

That's such great news Kim!!! Seeing progress in this short amount of time is an answer to prayer!