Friday, March 16

Dinner with Cody

Abby's birthfather Cody called last November wanting to see Abby, and we have been trying ever since to pick a date and schedule the visit. I was tardy in getting back to him after talking with Ed, then there was the holidays, and then Cody took a while get back to us, etc. We finally were able to do it tonight. We met him at Red Robin, had dinner, and chatted for almost two hours. Abby took a while to warm up (pretty typical for her), but then once she was comfortable, you couldn't keep her quiet (again, typical behavior for her). It has been two years since he's had a visit with her, so she has changed quite a bit in that time. She sat on his lap for a while regaling him with stories and jokes and even whispering a few secrets to him, which I don't think he understood a word of since she's very difficult to understand when she's whispering. I quizzed her on the way home about what she was whispering to him, and at first she said it was a secret and couldn't tell me but eventually she spilled it.

Abby: I told him I love you.
Me: You told Cody you love him?
Abby: No, I told Cody I love you, Mommy.

Awww! She knows how to melt my heart!


Darcy said...

Awww, that's so sweet Kim.

I think it's great that Cody desires to have some type of communication with you and to see her.

Kim said...

I am grateful for many reasons that we have contact with him and with Ryan's birthparents. I think it's good for the kids, and it's wonderful to be able to ask medical questions or even things like whether anyone in the family is left-handed, etc.