Saturday, March 17


One of the activities we are doing with Abby is a series of patterns designed to help organize the brain. Anything that uses the limbs and crosses over the body or uses the limbs on opposite sides of the body is good for this, such as crawling. This one is called Tuck in/Blast out, and the first couple of days she did this, it was very difficult for her, but she's got the hang of it now. We do this 50 times in a row and then three other patterns 50 times each right after. It wears her out!


Darcy said...

Oh my gosh, that would be so tiresome after 10 times, let alone 50!?!?! Wow. Keep up the great work Abby...and Mom and Dad! :)

Kim said...

LOL...I was doing them along with her to show her how the first time, and I was dying after about 20. Thankfully, we don't have THAT on video! :D

Darcy said...

ROTFL. Now that would have been great! LOL

Unknown said...

I've only just now caught up with your blogs. Wow--a lot happened in Modesto, didn't it? Hope those rigorous exercises help...both of you! :-)

Thanks for all the updates. I read the Ryan Report, too. Could he possibly help with some of Abby's exercises? Doing so would not only include him, but could make him feel special and important. Just a thought...

Kim said...

We have been trying to include him in the activities with Abby as much as possible. He counts and sometimes does them along with her. Unfortunately, most of the things I have to physically do with her have to be done with some precision so it's not really feasible to have him do them. It's a great thought though, and I have been thinking about how I can include him more.