Thursday, March 15

Dumping Things

One of Abby's favorite activities is dumping things out of whatever they are in onto the floor, be it water or coffee beans or clothes or toys. Consequently, I have banned her from getting into her clothing drawers without me since I grew weary of refolding and putting it all away again.

However, as you can see from the picture, she doesn't always obey me. She dumped out every drawer of her dresser and every drawer of her toy cabinet. There was another large pile on the other side of the bed. I was pretty irritated with her, but I sat on the floor and started folding clothes while directing her to put away the toys. Even though she's almost four, we can't just tell her to pick up her room or even pick up your tea set because she will just get too overwhelmed and sit on the floor and cry and get nothing done. So for about 30 minutes I told her piece by piece what to pick up and where to put it while I put all her clothes away. I really just wanted to clean all up myself because it would have been so much faster, but then how is she going to learn? Plus, what a better lesson for me in patience? :D

1 comment:

Darcy said...

Oh my gosh, her and Rachel must be related. :)

Like you, I just want to put it all away myself so it gets done quicker and in their proper places. But your brother always reminds me that she needs to LEARN to do it.