Wednesday, September 13

Still Sick

Abby woke up this morning with a 105.4 fever, so off to the doctor went again. This is day five of her fever, and he wanted to check her over again. He ended up drawing blood and getting a chest x-ray. The x-ray was perfectly clear, and Monday's urine culture was negative as well. She started shaking again just before they called us for the chest x-ray, and I was wondering if they'd even be able to get a good film! I immediately gave her ibuprofen though, and I think I caught it early enough that she didn't spike the high fever she has been the last five days.

Our pediatrician called with the blood results that came back today, and he said her white blood count and sedimentation rate are higher than he normally sees for a virus and more in the range for a bacterial infection. But for now there's nothing we can do but wait a little more, pray she gets over this, and watch for any redness that might show up in a joint or somewhere on her body. We're still waiting on a blood culture and some other tests that probably won't be available till Friday (one of which if it's positive will definitely tells us if she has the beginnings of diabetes).

Her blood sugars were erratic again today, and the endocrinologist was hinting at wanting to admit her and run some tests. He said he wanted to talk to our ped first and then he will get back to me. I don't expect to hear from him until tomorrow though. I'm hoping and praying she'll wake up tomorrow feeling much better and all the blood sugars back to normal. Thanks for your prayers. It's been a very long week!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Actually, I have been able to keep up on my reading, though I confess my mind hasn't been as focused on it as I would like. Thanks for the reminder.