Thursday, September 14

Day 6

Well, this is day six into Abby's illness. She has still been fighting a fever, but the Tylenol and/or Motrin seem to be working better than before and lasting longer. We've only had to give her two doses today instead of the usual four or five. Her blood sugar is still erratic, but it seems to be leveling out somewhat with the peaks not being so high. I am taking these things as a positive sign! She still isn't eating, but she doesn't seem to be losing weight either.

Our pediatrician and the endocrinologist have been consulting, and they have decided just to continue with daily phone calls, and I am to call if there's anything new or concerning happening. Almost all her blood work is back, and it indicates she has some kind of inflammation somewhere in her body. Her only complaint has been that her tummy hurts, but the ped can't find anything on exam.

I confess I let fear get the better of me this morning at 2:00am. She woke up wanting water, and she was shaking severely (she's been doing this since Monday...after the shaking starts her fever spikes up quickly) and crying and just looked so miserable. She was burning up, though I didn't take a temp. I gave her water and Tylenol and lay down with her. She promptly threw up on both of us, so we checked her blood sugar (normal), stripped the bed and we both jumped in the shower while Daddy put the bedding in the washing machine. I gave her more Tylenol since she vomited up the dose I gave her earlier, and blow dried her hair. She looked so fragile and little, and I was so tired and stressed. I ended up putting her in bed with Daddy while I stayed up and read my Bible and prayed until I had peace again. I trust the Lord implicitly with her, but human emotions are still everpresent.

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