Wednesday, September 19

This and That

I was surprised Abby wouldn't go for a ride on Granpa's motorcycle
considering she's usually up for any adventure. When I asked her
later why she didn't want to she was quiet for a moment and then
she said, "Well, you know, if there aren't any seatbelts, do you think
it's very safe?" Smart girlie!

I couldn't keep Abigail out of this tree in Gramie's front yard. She just loved climbing in it, which would have been fine except for the sap she kept getting on herself.

Playing "golf" with Ryan and Gramie at the shop.

So this is what a van full of kids would look like!

Feeding the ducks at Fairmont Park.

A pile of cousins!

Riding Hannah's scooter, and doing a great job at it too, I might add.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

How cool to go to your blog and see all our kids together!!

We enjoyed your visit down and hope you've all recovered by now from all the driving! :)