Monday, March 5

Abby's Day

Every year we celebrate the day we finalized Abigail's adoption. We call it Abby Garner Day! Abby's finalization date is actually in September, but she was terribly sick the whole month of September, so we didn't get to celebrate it. Then the holidays were upon us, and it sort of got lost in the shuffle of life. But this last weekend we finally were able to actually celebrate it by taking her to the zoo and out to a special dinner. I made her a digital photo album about her adoption story and gave that to her as well.

She loves the zoo and we haven't been since our membership lapsed last June. We bought another membership and spent several hours there Sunday after church. Ever since she saw March of the Penguins last year, she has been enamored with them and that was the first thing she wanted to see this time. We even got to see them being fed, which was neat.

We may have started something we may wish we hadn't last month during Ryan's birthday. We allowed him to pick anything he wanted for his special dinner out, and he picked steak, so we took him to the Outback Steakhouse. It was apparently a big it for Abby as well because that's where she chose to go for her special dinner on Sunday. We had a free child's meal coming to us, so we went ahead and went. She gobbled up her half of the kid's steak and then proceeded to eat about a third of mine as well! Fortunately (for the pocketbook anyway) they messed up both mine and Ed's steaks (Ed's twice!) and they ended up buying our entire dinner for us, so the whole thing only cost us the price of the tip. Next time we may have to give some specific options for dinner instead of leaving it open or we may go broke!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

I LOVE the first pic of her on the bench by herself.

LOL about picking such an expensive place for dinner. Have to admit, she has great taste!