Tuesday, October 10

Penguins and Doggies

We borrowed March of the Penguins from some friends last week, and we watched it as a family this weekend. I thought the kids would get bored right away, but they both really enjoyed it. Abby, who has been longing for a dog for some time now, looked at me halfway through the movie and said, "Mommy, I don't want a dog. I want a baby penguin!" She proceeded to tell me how she would keep him in the bathtub or the garage and put a chain around his neck to take him on walks. It was hilarious!

Last week while we were visiting our friends, Abby was mauling their poor dog. I kept telling her to give him a break, but she just can't resist. Finally, Copper had had enough and growled at her. Abby started crying, and we all rushed over to see if she had been bitten. No...she was heartbroken, but not scared or injured. She kept saying through her tears, "But I love the doggy!" She was devastated that it wasn't a mutual love affair!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

LOL. A Penguin huh??? She's sooo cute!