Sunday, April 9

Red Robin Surprise

On Friday we had to take a trip to the "big city" (which is pretty much any city other than ours) for Ryan's eye exam. We had received a coupon for a free burger at Red Robin for Abby's upcoming birthday, so we decided to go there for dinner as a special treat and surprise. Both children behaved really well, and we were so proud of them.

When the staff brought out the sundae and sang to Abby though, she just wilted (to borrow a phrase from one of our favorite books, Chrysanthemum)! I guess all those people standing around singing and clapping was too much (though she enjoyed it when they were singing for other guests). She clung to my arm and almost fell out of the highchair trying to get closer to me. However, she recovered quickly when she realized the sundae was for her!

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