Sunday, March 26

Friday Fun

Daddy's boss put him up in a hotel Thursday through Monday so that he could work as much as possible and still get a few hours sleep while his company moved across the Willamette River into downtown Portland. He was thoughtful enough to allow his family to come as well, and we had a fun-filled weekend! Thursday we didn't do much except check in in the evening and walk for a couple of hours around downtown trying to burn off some excited energy.

Abby and Ella splashing together

Then Friday we went to OMSI for a full day of exploring and playing. We go fairly often, but since we have an annual pass, we rarely stay longer than two or three hours. But since we had nowhere we had to be and no chores calling for my attention at home, we arrived before they even opened and stayed until late in the afternoon. They played in the sandbox and the water works exhibit for over an hour each! Abby made friends with a little girl named Ella, and they were splashing and pouring together and having a blast! Abby also loved the new Little Builders exhibit, especially rolling "paint" on the wall.

The last thing we did was go see Dolphins, the OmniMax movie. It was a great documentary on dolphins. The IMax screen lets you feel like you're swimming right alongside them. Unfortunately, Abby fell fast asleep halfway through, so she missed part of it, but I pretty much expected as much. She's used to taking a nap every day, and we skipped it on this day.

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