Wednesday, March 29

Cute Things They Say

One day this weekend Abby kept sticking her finger in her ear, which isn't all that uncommon really. She likes to put them in and pull them out to see how it sounds. But then she came up to me and said, "Fix it, Mommy." I asked her what she wanted me to fix, and she said, "My ear can't work. I don't sound like Abby." It cracked me up. I guess her sinus congestion had gone into her ear and was plugging it up so she sounded different to herself.

I am grateful to know that it isn't becoming infected. Yesterday she said, "My ear works again. Everything's okay." They say the cutest things sometimes.


Darcy said...


Beth said...

Gotta love it! I wish I could remember all the cute things my kids have said (all 7 of them!), but even those "unforgettable" moments are elusive if they aren't documented!

You inspire me to keep up on my kids blogs!