Saturday, April 5

Fun Day

I guess I was feeling a little escapist yesterday when I decided on a whim to go play with my kiddies. Abigail has said numerous times that she is "missing Daddy already," and Ryan keeps asking when he's coming home. So instead of school, chores, and the normal routine, we went out to play! After a trip to the bank and breakfast at a local restaurant, we headed to a new play center that's not too terribly far from us called Out of This World.

Abby usually went down this slide on her belly
doing what she calls her penguin slide.

We really like this new place. It's a family owned establishment, and they really put some thought into it. It's the first place of this kind that we've been to where I wasn't completely stressed trying to keep track of my kids. It's in a huge warehouse and is very easy to see from one end to the other. They have a nice area for babies and toddlers with comfy sofas for the moms. And though I haven't tried the food yet (pizza, salads and ice cream), it looked better than anything I've seen elsewhere. I did buy a bottomless drink for the kids and bottomless coffee for me, complete with flavored syrups and creamers! We plan to take Abby there for her birthday next weekend, and we will try the other food then.

Abby enjoyed the inflatable structure a lot, never going
down the slide the "normal" way. I saw more than one crew
member cringe as they watched her clambor through it.

Neither of the kids spent much time on the "rock crawl,"
but I suspect if it had been a full-blown rock wall I
couldn't have kept Abby off of it!

Cruising along.

Playing store clerk.

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