Friday, June 15

More Eating Than Picking

Strawberry Fields...forever.

We sometimes joke that Abby could be a "frutarian," since she loves fruit more than anything else to eat, even more than candy, ice cream and the like! It doesn't matter if the fruit is even good, she'll eat oranges that aren't sweet, bananas of ANY level of ripeness, flavorless melon, etc. Consequently, summer is one her favorite times of year. The abundance and variety of fresh fruit makes for one happy little girl!

Looking for the juicy ones.

The season starts off with strawberries, and this week we drove out to Sauvie Island to pick a flat of strawberries at Kruger's Farm, a family operated U-pick farm and market. I've picked blueberries before with the kids (very easy to pick!), but this is the first year I have thought Abby could handle picking strawberries. She had lots of fun, though she just couldn't resist eating them! I let them sample a few, which is part of the fun and the grower doesn't mind some nibbling while you pick (I actually asked beforehand because I anticipated this being a problem for Abby), but once she got a taste, she just couldn't stop despite the fact that I had her right next to me and I made it very clear we needed to pay for them before she ate any more.

Hmmm, I wonder what she's doing?
Could she be sneaking a berry into her mouth?

It didn't help Abby's self-control that the woman and her two kids picking nearby were literally stuffing themselves with the berries. I don't think they picked even two pints, but they ate at least pint each just while we were there and they had been eating before we showed judging by the pink and purple faces of her little ones.

Abby loves flowers too, though she was good and didn't pick any!

After a bit we did manage to get a box full of berries and we headed into the store to pay for them. We looked around a bit and then paid for our berries. They also have U-cut flowers, though most of them are gone now. We walked among what was left of the flowers and then went to play on the little tractors they had for the kids.

The race is on!

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