Monday, December 11

First Time Trimming Tree

As I mentioned before, this is Abby's first Christmas where she has really been able to participate much in the festivities. If I remember correctly, we put Abby to bed before decorating the tree on her second Christmas (about 20 months old), and last year we didn't have a tree due to moving. So Daddy and I held our breaths to see how she would do. She is kind of like a bull in a china cabinet and when she's excited, she just bounces off the walls (and I mean that literally).

However, once I convinced the kids to wait a couple of minutes for me to get the ornaments out of the boxes, they both did great. Abby needed some help with some of the more fragile ornaments, but overall she did quite well with a little guidance on where to hang them. Most of all, she was just exuberent with joy. Abigail loves beautiful things, so as the tree became more and more adorned, she just oohed and aahed over the tree.

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